Register Now

It is highly recommended that sign ups occur at least 24 hours in advance. While we will always do our best to accommodate last minute sign ups, our instructors are not able to plan effectively unless they know what students will be in, especially for higher level classes. 

If no students are signed up for a class within 24 hours of the start time the class will be auto removed from our schedule. 

All classes do have a maximum number of students. Once that max is reached no new students will be able to register. All spots are first come first serve based on who reserves a spot via registration. 

If you are a brand new student please look for anything listed as “intro.” These are a great option for your first class.


It is recommended that registration is completed a minimum of 24 hours before class begins.

All spots are first come first serve. If a class is full and you did not sign up in advance you may be turned away at the door.

Classes may be canceled if there are no students signed up 24 hours before the class is set to begin.

In order to use aerial equipment during open floor you must have general FCC instructor approval, have taken a class on that apparatus within the past two weeks, and you understand that self teaching aerial will result in a ban from future open floor time.